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5 Truths About Growing Bigger Yields With LED vs. HPS

kindled 5 Truths About Growing Bigger Yields With LED vs. HPS

On a quest for the best lights for growing cannabis? Between fluorescent, LEDs, and high-pressure sodium (HPS), the great wide world of grow lights can get confusing. Can you really increase yields and grow quality cannabis with energy-saving lights? Kind LED say you can. Here are 5 truths about growing bigger yields with LED vs HPS grow lights.   

1. Higher yields

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HPS lights have been associated with high yields for a long time. But, there’s a reason why some of the largest commercial grow operations have made the switch to LED.

A 600w HPS light can produce up to 150 to 300 grams in optimal grow environments, which is 0.5 grams per watt or less. LEDs, however, can produce as high as 1 to 1.5 grams per watt.

All the while, LEDs use less energy to produce the equivalent HPS wattage.For example, Kind’s K3L600 lights have an actual wattage of 320. Yet, they produce an equal light quality to that of a 600-watt HPS.

In the past decade, technological advancements have led to massive improvements in LED lighting systems. Kind LED products showcase some of these advancements perfectly.

Kind utilizes high-quality lenses that hyper-focus lights from all spectrums onto your canopy. This means that photons are beamed directly to the plants.

Low-quality LED lights, however, don’t have this same focused effect. This is one reason to opt for improved design and trusted materials prior to investing in expensive lighting systems.

Some products, like Kind’s, will provide light that is more focused and usable to the plants. This gives growers the ability to get the greatest possible crop yield.

2. Crop quality

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Think that LEDs cause fluffy buds? Think again. Some strains naturally produce a fluffy but structure, but poor quality lights can also play a role. When combined with optimal soil or hydroponic mediums, Kind’s LED systems have a reputation for coaxing out heavenly terpenes and producing impressive flowers.

According to Kind, terpene levels typically run about 2% on average in cannabis flowers. But, Kind lights have been able to increase this number to as high as 3.78 using the XL1000 series. That’s almost double the amount.

Not only does this provide more flavor, but terpenes have ample synergistic benefits with cannabinoids like THC and CBD, including improved pain-relieving effects.

Truly high-quality products are rich in terpenoid aromas and robust flavors. Growing with Kind’s LED lights can easily turn an average crop into top-shelf flower.

3. Designed with the right spectrum

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Many growers look to wattage as the ultimate tell-all for a good grow light. However, wattage alone doesn’t tell the whole story. In order for a plant to reap the maximum benefit from a light, light waves need to be in the right spectrum and of the right quality for the plant to absorb.

When looking for lights, make sure to check out the PAR value. PAR stands for photosynthetically active radiation. That’s a fancy term for light that is actually available for the plant to use.

Yet, to truly judge the efficacy of PAR, the spectrum of the light needs to be taken into account. HPS lights consistently have lower PAR values than LED lights.

KIND LED grow lights are designed to produce the perfect spectrum for your plants. They also have extremely high PAR readings. This means that the plant is able to access a wide diversity of light wavelengths and are able to put the light to use.

This design easily distinguishes Kind lights from other types of LEDs. With LEDs, quality and design make all of the difference. Not all light manufacturers use this type of high-quality lens technology.

This means that some light will be lost through improper dispersal with traditional LEDS. Light simply won’t make it to the plants. Kind’s technology prevents this problem, facilitating better yields.

4. Useable CO2

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Seeking to enhance the effects of your CO2? Unfortunately, CO2 only works well with HPS when it is used in a closed-loop system. Plants need CO2 in order to convert light into energy.

Yet, the effectiveness of CO2 is closely tied to temperature. When using high-intensity discharge lights (HIDs), grow room temperature needs to remain between 72 and 78 degrees.

However, the optimal temperature for CO2 is 82 to 86 degrees. Kind’s LED Bar Lights are a great option for both small and large-scale grow rooms. All of Kind’s lights can withstand the cranked up heat and will enable you to get the most out of your CO2. Optimized CO2 allows plants to make better use of their energy, leading to larger yields and a healthier crop.

For more information on optimizing your grow room, take a look at Kind’s article here. 

5. Kind LED: Not all LEDs are the same

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If it isn’t obvious by now, there is a vast difference between high-quality and low-quality LED lights. High-quality lights, like Kind’s K3 600 series combine innovative technology with smart horticulture design. When it comes to choosing the right products, design makes all the difference.

Kind’s lights don’t just provide ample wattage, they were created to give your plant ample amounts of light in color spectrums that it most needs. They use high-quality lens technology to better focus light onto the grow canopy, reducing unnecessary light loss. This not only increases yields but produces a truly top-shelf crop.

When looking for the best LEDs for growing, remember to keep PAR values, light spectrum, and manufacturing quality in mind. Not all LED lights are created equal. When investing in growing equipment, opting for a well-made product that is uniquely designed to meet the needs of the plant makes all the difference.

Invest smart, take a look at Kind LED.

On Cyber Monday only, KIND LED is offering up to 10% off and or Free Shipping through Qualified retailers, check our store locator for a reseller near you.

The post 5 Truths About Growing Bigger Yields With LED vs. HPS appeared first on HERB.

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